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SpurTopia – A Small Kingdom of Happiness

by Spurtopia
SpurTopia - A Small Kingdom of Happiness

My family and I have been living in a rental property in Brisbane for over five years. We have adopted a sustainable lifestyle becoming less reliant on the system and more self-sufficient.
We created a “farm” that produces vegies, fruit, honey and eggs in abundance. Most of our fruit and vegies come from our garden. Excess is shared and swapped within a functional community of neighbours.

We grow organically over 100 different types of vegetables, 25 herbs and 25 fruit trees utilizing every available space (yard space, block walls, fences, staircase) of a typical urban block.
We continuously improve effectiveness with our new ideas and inventions e.g. vegetable pyramid, self-watering/fertilizing planter boxes, worm farm planter pots, gravity fed irrigation, chicken feeders, maggot tin grower – all made from recycled materials.
Our “farm” is productive, efficient and visually pleasing. It includes:

  • Chickens, honeybees, worm farms 
  • Rain and grey water harvesting, home-made solar hot water system
  • Preparing organic rich soil and fertilizers, seedlings, seed saving, multi-purpose bamboo pyramid
  • A bath tub with fish and water vegetables
  • A cob and solar oven
  • Use of locally available resources
  • Sprouting, fermenting, preserving, cooking from garden produce
The low maintenance urban “farm” (under 1hour a day) provides us with fresh organic food, fun, physical and mental exercise and a connection with nature. Gardening is extremely rewarding making life simpler, cheaper, healthier and more sustainable – it is another dimension to life.

We set an example of what can be achieved in a rental property, passionately sharing our experience, knowledge, ideas and inventions with the general public via TV, radio, newspapers, public events and workshops .

We have created the notion of “SpurTopia”, a small kingdom where we are living a fulfilling and happy life.

SpurTopia - A Small Kingdom of Happiness

SpurTopia - A Small Kingdom of Happiness

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Anonymous September 3, 2014 - 8:47 am

You have achieved so much and it's inspirational that you have achieved this in a rental property using lots of imagination.
Well done.

Lavender and Vanilla Friends of the Gardens September 3, 2014 - 11:39 pm

Great to see, we have done it 50 years ago when none was talking about this sort of thing. One garden in SWL we left with many fruit trees, berries etc. the trees and berries, vegetable garden all was gone to make place for "schicky schnicky" rubbish. Many people do not get it how much better it is for you and also a good lifestyle. good on you, it is fantastic. Just read that in SWL most vegetables sold are GM, but people are not told!

Unknown March 22, 2015 - 11:59 pm

Love your kingdom. Great ideas. Hope to see more kingdoms like this.
Mahalo 4sharing


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