Our focus is on the young generation as they are our future.
School talks & hands-on activities

Mt. Maria College Talk
Events such as practical workshops at the Ipswich Cribb Street Childcare Centre, Indooroopilly Montessori Children House, inspirational talks Mt Maria, St Augustine, All Hallow and Southern Cross College students, empowering presentations at school career days, school garden workshops at Cannon Hill State School, Carinda State High school, Permaculture Kids at the Woodford Folk Festival, lectures at QUT, UQ and Griffith University enable us to educate a broad spectrum of students and their teachers.
A School Excursion of Spurtopia Homestead – A sustainable paradise
Winner of 2019 & 2020 Regional garden competition: Best Edible Garden & Best Water Wise Garden
C.A.N Award 2015 Environment & Sustainability
School excursion program: Suitable for Primary and Secondary students
Tour around the property
- Creating an ecosystem: Permaculture principles applied in practice
- Food production: Kitchen garden (wicking garden beds, self-watering herb spiral, energizing mandala pyramid, DIY: Self-watering planters, vegetable garden, orchard and food forest, a native patch
- Water harvesting systems: Rainwater, grey and black water as well as run-off water harvesting
- Medicinal herbs and edible weeds
- Worm farming, chickens and honeybees
- Solar systems: Hot water, electricity, cooking
- Zero waste systems: Composting, reusing, recycling
Practical hands-on experience: Students will make wicking pots/ bean sprout farms to plant with seeds to take home.
Show and tell: Sharing practical and inexpensive ideas for sustainable living. 5R’s Mantra applied in practice.
Students will be shown how to make: a self-watering planter box, some home produce, citrus fabric softener, toothpaste, laundry detergent, surface cleaner, cockroach trap, solar and pizza oven including recipes.
Screening of Spurtopia documentary – 15-minute video about the sustainable lifestyle of our family
Duration: Approx. 2-4 hours
Spurtopia Homestead in Fernvale, QLD
“Come and be Inspired, Educated & Empowered”
Have your say
Dear Roman and family, I wish to thank you on behalf of the students for the wonderful presentation and visit to your garden yesterday. The students were fascinated with your work and they got a lot of information for their study of sustainable food supply. Thank you again for a fabulous day, it was most enjoyable. Jeff Wade and students Southern Cross Catholic College