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Events, Talks & Workshops

Events, Talks & Workshops


We are committed to educate, inspire and empower people to live sustainably through inspirational talks, practical workshops, hand-on activities for adults, kids and families all around Australia. Library and park talks & workshops,  Festivals, Sustainability events, Community activation events or corporate etc. We cover a large field of topics such as  Organic gardening, Healthy home produce, Fermented & raw food, How to start beekeeping, Living on a budget, Self-sufficiency skills, Make a bean sprout farm, Wicked wicking etc.Events, Talks & Workshops

Past events involvements: TED talk, Green Heart Fair, Woodford & Planting Festival, QLD garden Expo, What’s cooking in the gardens, Library talks& workshops (Brisbane, Ipswich, Gold & Sunshine Coast, Moreton & Redland bay, Scenic rim, Somerset), Brisbane Active park & Gold program, Freedom Summits, Home Economics Conference, Sustainable Cities Conference             Events, Talks & Workshops

If you are organizing an event, educational program, conference and want to educate and inspire people or even start to be more sustainable do not hesitate to contact us.

Have Your Say

Thank you for your presentation on organic gardening today at Bracken Ridge library. As I said to you afterwards it is the best I have ever heard because of your knowledge, presentation,thinking outside the box, your enthusiasm, passion and philosophy of wanting to share your ideas and help to make our environment better and also because you show what can be achieved by most people.                                        Liz Golingi

You guys are amazing! so glad we caught you Yandina Community Gardens today. Thanks so much for the informative AND entertaining talk.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Michaela Lovefruit Weber 

Thank you so much for your talk today at the Yandina Community Gardens. We cant wait to try out some of your ideas and look forward to coming down to see your garden. Your Happiness and positivity shines through and inspires us to create our own little piece of Utopia

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Monika Sprott

I came to a self watering pot workshop you ran a couple of weeks ago and just wanted to thank you both again for a wonderful couple of hours.
I loved your class and your generosity of spirit and your selfless willingness to share your knowledge with anyone who wants to listen.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Helen Bremner

Thank you so much for your talk at Nambour Library yesterday. You truly inspired me and i took away so many practical ideas that i can put into practice straight away. More power to you and your family. We need 100 more of you at least. You message is straight from the divine ONE to humanity.                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Carola Fuentes


For enquiries, pricing and bookings contact us via contact form