Home Garden Tours

Garden Tours

Come and be inspired – A garden tour for groups & individuals


A Tour of Spurtopia Homestead – A sustainable paradise


2021&2023 Winner of The Best Edible Garden in the Regional Garden Competition

2019 & 2020 Winner of  Regional garden competition: Best Edible Garden & Best Water Wise Garden

C.A.N Award 2015 Environment & Sustainability


Garden ToursTour around the property

  • Creating an ecosystem: Permaculture principals applied in practice
  • Food production: Kitchen garden (wicking garden beds, self-watering herb spiral, energizing mandala pyramid, DIY: Self-watering planters, vegetable garden, orchard and food forest, a native patch)
  • Water harvesting systems: Rainwater, grey and black water as well as run-off water harvesting
  • Medicinal herbs and edible weeds
  • Worm farming, chickens and honeybees
  • Solar systems: Hot water, electricity, cooking
  • Zero waste systems: Composting, reusing, recycling




Garden Tours

Show and Tell sharing practical and inexpensive ideas for sustainable living (how to make wicking pot, self-watering planter box, deter possums, fruit fly trap, citrus fabric softener, toothpaste, hair conditioner, laundry detergent, surface cleaner, cockroach trap, solar oven) including recipes.




Garden ToursMorning Tea:   tea, coffee, home-baked cakes. Plenty of home produce to taste: sourdough bread, yogurt, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut, mustard, honey, homebrew beer, ginger beer, mead. Some produce will be available for purchase.


Screening of Spurtopia documentary – 15-minute inspirational video about the sustainable lifestyle of our family

Duration: Approx. 2-4 hours

Spurtopia Homestead in Fernvale, QLD

Thank you for being a great source of inspiration to us and many others.


Thank you for such a great insight into your awesome well established garden (Spurtopia). You’re definitely doing a great job and amazed me with some of your ideas and knowledge as the garden not only features recycled product but also delivers a whole new word to ( green living )…From the water tank heating system right through to the plant growing techniques and even walking out the driveway upon leaving I was still shocked how much you have saved. Thank you for both yourself and Jana’s hospitality and welcoming me into your world.

Ben Surfield 

Firstly, I would like to say how much I love your story and lifestyle tips. I have found it all very inspirational. I have started by vegie garden using broccoli boxes and an old laundry tub. I have planted snow peas, zucchini, tomato and eggplant which all seem to be doing well. When I saw your story on Gardening Australia last year with Jerry it changed my life. I have so much to learn!!!!

Helen Steadman

For enquiries, pricing and bookings contact us via the contact form