Home Practical self-sufficiency skills for families

Practical self-sufficiency skills for families

Practical self-sufficiency skills for families

Series of Practical Self-sufficiency skills for families

Our focus is on young generation to educate, inspire and empower them to live more sustainably. Gaining these practical self-sufficiency skills for life is a must.

Morning program for homeschooling families 

  • Tour around the garden
  • Practical hands-on experience
  • Feeding animals
  • Show and tell display table
  • Screening of Spurtopia documentary
  • Tasting of home produce
  • Craft corner
  • Practical tips, ideas & inspiration for everyone

Tour around garden:

  • Food production: Kitchen garden, herb spiral, energizing mandala pyramid, orchard and food forest
  • Pizza oven (made in 5 minutes) & Smoker
  • Benefits of various medicinal herbs and edible weeds
  • Feeding chickens and worms
  • Tasting and smelling different greens, herbs, fruit and honey

Practical hands-on experience: Will talk and collect garden produce to make salad, medicinal herbal tea, colourful potions and you will make and eat pizza baked in a wood fired oven. You will make bean sprout farm to take home.

Tour around garden:

  • Different types of pollinators
  • Native bees and their role in backyardhoney bees: types, life cycle, duties in a hive seeing bee hives
  • How to start beekeeping
  • Creating an ecosystem: Bees as a part of ecosystem
  • Feeding chickens and worms
  • Tasting and smelling different honey types, pollen, wax 

Practical hands-on experience: Will talk about wax and how bees make it. You will make a food wax wrap to take home.

Tour around garden:

  • Creating an ecosystem: Permaculture principles in practice
  • Food production: Kitchen garden, herb spiral, energizing mandala pyramid orchard and food forest
  • Tasting and smelling different greens, herbs and fruit
  • Composting – making soil
  • Different types of pollinators
  • Farm animals: chickens ( incl. feeding them), worms, bees

Practical hands-on experience: Will talk about soil and plants you will harvest seeds & make and plant a wicking pot to take home.

Tour around garden:


  • Farm animals: chickens, guinea fowls, worms, bees
  • Feeding chickens and worms
  • Different types of pollinators
  • DIY Chicken water & grain feeder, maggot farm, worm farm & tower
  • Creating an ecosystem: Animals as a part of ecosystem
  • Tasting and smelling different honey types, pollen, was and eggs 

Practical hands-on experience: Will talk about a role of animals in a backyard. We will make a worm farm from recycled materials. You will make a bugs hotel to take home.

Have your say

 Spurtopia was a very interesting and informative dive into a more sustainable way of life where, rather than using linear waste systems which destroy the planet, things get reused and recycled to produce and provide life. This is the way God designed things to be, and by harnessing His principles, Roman and his family flourish in their place.    Jaki Rigg of the Dream School

For enquiries, pricing and bookings contact us via the contact form