The “happiness formula” works so well for us that we want to share it with you.
“Every single moment you can, act to the best of your ability as this contains the highest amount of excitement (joy, love, creativity and passion), take it as far as you can and keep doing that with zero assumption, insistence or expectation of the outcome of what that action ought to be.”
Living sustainably and walking lightly on the planet is a wonderful lifestyle and the way of the future which excites us the most. Sharing with and inspiring people while igniting a light of the true values of life, fulfils us and makes us happy. More importantly, acting without any expectations of final outcomes and financial benefits (we do everything on a donation basis), brings us to another dimension of life where it is possible to achieve everything. And it really, really, really works. We are getting more and more people interested in how we live and what we do, our sustainable living talks, our presentations and workshops.
In the last few days we:
– Inspired university students as part of a QUT leadership, development and innovation program.
– Taught people to make self-watering planter boxes and “showed and told” our way of life during SpurTopia Open Day.
– Shared our sustainable living and practical ideas at the SpurTopia stall and during a presentation at the “What’s cooking in the Garden” event at Redcliffe.
If you live and do a whole day according to what you really want, that would be the highest achievement which would make us incredibly happy. Imagine that everyone would live like that – the world would be completely different. And It Will Be…
1 comment
Thank you for sharing your knowledge, skills and ideas with us. The beauty in what you taught is the simplicity. Peel back the layers of 21st century dependency and there is love, spirit and connectedness. Keep smiling, it's infectious!. Elaine